Top 5 Benefits of a Warehouse Management System

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are helping companies stand out from the competition. See the benefits of implementing a WMS in your logistics operations and read about other companies that already have.

three warehouse workers in yellow helmets and construction uniforms

The logistics industry has become more dynamic and hyper-competitive, and efficient warehouse management is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The challenges of managing inventory, optimizing storage space, and ensuring swift order fulfillment can be overwhelming. Warehouse management systems (WMS) have emerged as a solution with benefits beyond mere operations improvements.

Whether you're a logistics and warehouse manager, a supply chain professional, a business owner, or a decision-maker in the logistics and transportation industries, implementing a WMS completely upgrades your business operations. In this article, we will explore the multiple advantages that Warehouse Management Systems offer businesses of all sizes.

What is a Warehouse Management System (WMS)?

A warehouse management system (WMS) is a comprehensive software platform designed to oversee and optimize various warehouse or distribution center processes. A WMS reduces error margins, minimizes operational costs, and enhances overall productivity by automating routine tasks such as inventory tracking and order picking. 

The primary functions of a WMS include inventory management, order management, picking and packing optimization, and real-time monitoring of warehouse activities. At its core, it acts as the brain of the warehouse, coordinating and managing various tasks, from inventory tracking to order fulfillment.

Warehouse management systems are not isolated islands of inventory management; they work better when you integrate them with other supply chain systems like transport management systems (TMS).

Benefits of a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

A warehouse management system is the backbone of efficient supply chain operations. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a WMS in your logistics operations:

Benefit 1: Real-time inventory tracking and control

WMS empowers businesses by giving them a bird's-eye view of their inventory. They combine a powerful arsenal of automation tools, including scanning, RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), and other location-tracking methods. These technologies ensure unparalleled visibility within the warehouse, eliminating scenarios where inventory becomes forgotten, lost, or misplaced.

In warehouses without WMS, inventory tracking often relies on manual methods such as spreadsheets or clipboards. This leaves room for human error and is time-consuming. This is time-consuming and leaves room for human error. For example, if an employee forgets to update the spreadsheet or a clipboard goes missing, it can lead to multiple inventory discrepancies. 

WMS often integrates with barcode scanning devices. When items are received, picked, or moved within the warehouse, they are scanned, instantly updating their location in the system. This real-time data ensures that inventory is always accounted for and can be located precisely when needed.

Without real-time location data provided by WMS, items can end up in vague or unrecorded locations within the warehouse. For instance, employees can label a pallet of goods "Miscellaneous" or "Unknown," making it challenging to retrieve when needed. 

RFID tags take visibility to the next level. These tags emit radio signals that RFID readers can read. WMS leverages RFID to provide continuous, hands-free tracking of inventory as it moves throughout the warehouse. This means that even items stored high on racks or deep within pallets are accounted for, reducing the likelihood of loss or misplacement.

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Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes

Benefit 2: Improved order fulfillment and accuracy

In today’s era of online shopping and on-demand everything, customers have come to expect faster deliveries and accurate order fulfillment. A warehouse management system is the best way to deliver that without costly mistakes. According to a study by MHI, 87% of companies reported improved order accuracy after implementing a WMS. 

A warehouse management system employs intelligent algorithms that optimize order-picking routes. Instead of wandering the warehouse to search for items all over the facility, the system guides the pickers along the most efficient paths, reducing picking time and minimizing the likelihood of errors.

Implementing a warehouse management system dramatically reduces the turnaround time from order placement to shipment. This enables businesses to offer same-day or next-day delivery options, which is a substantial competitive edge in today’s market.

Even during peak seasons or promotional events when order volumes surge, WMS ensures that warehouses can scale their operations efficiently. This means handling increased order loads without sacrificing accuracy or speed.

GoRamp Time Slot Management Feature

Benefit 3: Efficient space optimization

A WMS transforms warehouses from mere storage facilities into dynamic, highly efficient spaces. It ensures that you are utilizing every nook and cranny to its maximum potential, reducing the need for unnecessary expansions or leased storage facilities. With rising real estate costs, efficient space utilization is not just about making the most of your building; it’s about optimizing storage capacity, reducing costs, and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

A warehouse management system employs data-driven algorithms to determine the most suitable locations for products within the warehouse. Factors like item size, weight, demand, and storage requirements are all considered. This ensures that every square foot is utilized effectively, preventing valuable space from going to waste.

It also optimizes the arrangement of racks and aisles to maximize space. It identifies the most efficient layouts, factoring in the flow of goods, order picking routes, and the type of storage equipment used (e.g., pallet racks, shelving, or automated systems). This results in streamlined operations and increased storage capacity.

WMS also allows for dynamic slotting, meaning it can reconfigure the placement of items based on changing demand patterns. Seasonal goods, for instance, can be shifted to more accessible locations during peak seasons and moved to less accessible areas during off-peak times, ensuring that prime storage locations are always allocated to high-demand items.

Learn how Schoeller Allibert, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of returnable plastic packaging for material handling, uses a WMS to maximize its full warehouse potential.

Benefit 4: Reduced overstocking and understocking

With a WMS, you can also avoid the dual warehouse management demons of overstocking and understocking. Overstocking ties up capital in unsold inventory, while understocking leads to missed sales opportunities and disappointed customers.

WMS brings balance by providing insights into stock levels and demands. It helps businesses avoid overstocking by preventing excessive purchases, and mitigates understocking by triggering reorder alerts when inventory reaches predefined thresholds.

WMS uses historical data and demand forecasting to optimize safety stock levels. Safety stock is essential to account for unexpected spikes in demand or supply chain disruptions. This ensures businesses maintain an adequate buffer without excessively tying up capital.

A warehouse management system also helps to cut carrying costs. Carrying costs, including storage, insurance, and depreciation, can eat into profits. By reducing overstocking and optimizing safety stock, WMS ensures that only necessary information is stored, freeing up resources for other investments.

See how Viking Malt, ​​one of the leading maltsters in Baltic Rim, reduced operational costs by 50% with a WMS
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

Benefit 5: Enhanced workforce management and productivity

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) are transformative tools that optimize processes, reduce the burden of manual labor, and elevate workforce productivity. By automating tasks and guiding workflows, WMS simplifies the complexities of warehouse operations. This, in turn, reduces stress and frustration among warehouse staff, enabling them to work more productively.

The adage "to err is human" rings especially true in the high-stress environment of a bustling warehouse. Imagine the myriad tasks involved in managing a warehouse: inventory tracking, order picking, packing, labeling, and more. Each of these tasks requires time and attention to detail. Manual processes, while essential, are prone to errors that can be costly.

WMS offers guided workflows that provide step-by-step instructions to warehouse staff. This minimizes the margin for error and ensures that each task is completed accurately and efficiently. Workers can focus on executing tasks rather than worrying about what comes next. Equipping staff with WMS technology gives them the tools they need to excel in their roles.

Also, WMS takes the complexity out of task assignments. It automates allocating tasks to warehouse staff, considering factors like item size, weight, and location. This ensures that employees are assigned tasks that match their skills and maximize productivity. For instance, when an order is received, WMS can automatically generate picking tasks, guiding employees to the correct locations for item retrieval.

See how Barsan Global Logistics reduced warehouse operations by 50% by implementing a WMS.

GoRamp's contribution to Warehouse Management

As a top-tier logistics management software provider in Europe, GoRamp has been at the forefront of revolutionizing warehouse management. Our expertise lies in offering cutting-edge software solutions designed to optimize logistics operations. We have curated a portfolio of solutions from queue management to yard and transport management.

A study by Gartner reveals that organizations can reduce truck waiting times by up to 50% by implementing advanced dock scheduling systems. Our Time Slot Management System is a dock scheduling software that simplifies the often chaotic process of truck arrivals and departures. By providing a flexible time slot management system, it eliminates queues, reduces waiting times, and automates communication between carriers and warehouse personnel. This results in smoother operations and reduced congestion at loading docks.

Our Transport Management System (TMS) is a cloud-based software solution that covers end-to-end shipment management. It streamlines the entire transportation process, from route planning and optimization to carrier selection and real-time tracking. By integrating seamlessly with the WMS, the TMS ensures that goods move seamlessly from the warehouse to their final destination.

Optimize your logistics with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

WMS is not just a tool or software; it is a core part of your business strategy in the logistics landscape. From real-time inventory tracking and enhanced order fulfillment to space optimization, material rotation, labor management, and beyond, WMS is a comprehensive solution that addresses the core challenges that warehouses and distribution centers face. With its ability to streamline processes, reduce errors, and enhance overall warehouse efficiency, WMS empowers businesses to meet the demands of the modern supply chain and remain competitive in an ever-evolving market. Ready to transform your warehouse operations? You can book a quick demo to get started.

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