Barsan Global Logistics Reduced Warehouse Operations by 50% with GoRamp

Discover how Barsan Global Logistics halved warehouse operations duration and saved costs with GoRamp's Warehouse management system.

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We Halved the Duration of Warehouse Operations with GoRamp

Barsan Global Logistics, one of the world's largest global logistics companies, has been working with GoRamp since early 2021 and has experienced a significant increase in operational efficiency just after a few months using Warehouse management system.

GoRamp has reduced Barsan Global Logistics' warehouse operations by 50% and saved nearly a quarter of the costs.

In the past, global leader Barsan Global Logistics, like many other logistics companies, faced the challenge of inefficient organisation of the supply chain in the face of rapidly growing transportation volumes. Operating in 39 countries worldwide, the logistics company looked for a simple digital solution that could streamline traffic flows and processes in warehouses at its largest logistics centers in the U.S., China, Asia, and Europe. The company sought to avoid transport queues, cut delays, and constant penalties for the holdbacks.

Barsan Global Logistics sought to improve the multi-layered and complex communication between the company's departments, cross-border divisions, business partners, customers, suppliers, and third parties. It also sought to find a way for all stakeholders to track supply chain, warehousing, and logistics remotely in a single system, detect operational disruptions and resolve them in real-time.

Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes

If you are also dealing with problems such as trucks congestions, late supply arrivals or complicated communication between departments, it is time to consider modern tools such as Warehouse management system. Read a blog "How and When to Modernize Your Warehouse Logistics?" and find the best solution for your company.

GoRamp has reduced Barsan Global Logistics' warehouse operations by 50% and saved nearly a quarter of the costs

Daily business processes were congested, inflexible, inconvenient, and inefficient because too many different forms of communication were used: Excel spreadsheets, documents, messages, phone calls, explained Fatih Ozdemir, head of Barsan Global Logistics.

GoRamp offered Barsan Global Logistics to implement a digital warehouse, a system that would help digitize processes at all key points in the supply and logistics chain, reduce financial risk and solve business problems.

According to the head of Barsan Global Logistics, the GoRamp system has significantly improved relationships with suppliers and made work smoother, more consistent, predictable, and less stressful.
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

Barsan Global Logistics has been able to eliminate traffic congestion and avoid fines for carriers due to downtime. One of the main advantages of GoRamp to be is its' extremely convenient use, which eliminates tedious manual work.

According to Fatih Ozdemir, the company's director, GoRamp system is just “great”.

Barsan Global Logistics is one of the largest logistics companies in the world. It was founded in Turkey in 1982 and operates 80 logistics centers in 44 countries in the United States of America, China, Europe, and Asia.

For more improvements to your warehouse processes read our blog "Your Warehouse Efficiency Killers and How to Avoid Them".

Book a call with us and learn more about GoRamp's Warehouse management solution!

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