GoRamp's Warehouse Management System is among Top 3 Mobility Solutions in Baltics

GoRamp Dock Scheduling and Warehouse Management System has been recognized as one of the best mobility start-ups in the German-Baltic Business Awards 2022!

GoRamp won German-Baltic Business Awards 2022

We are proud to announce that GoRamp Dock scheduling and Warehouse management system has been recognized as one of the best mobility start-ups in the German-Baltic Business Awards 2022!

The German-Baltic Business Award is open to all Baltic based companies which operate in intelligent transport systems, smart logistics and mobility. This year the objective was to determine the best mobility solutions created in the Baltics which contribute to the society, economy, and education.  

Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes
Discover your company's supply chain maturity in just minutes

Nine finalists were chosen from among all the competitors by an international jury: Florian Schröder - CEO AHK Baltics, Dr. Dirk Claus - Managing Director Port of Kiel, Carolin Reichert - Vice President Product Area - eMobility Solutions Robert Bosch, Prof. Dr. Peer Witten - Member of the Supervisory Board Otto Group, Honorary President German Logistic Association (BVL) and Kristian Bock - Managing Director TSC Beratende Ingenieure für Verkehrswesen GmbH, Board member of Associations VIV - Verband der Ingenieurbüros für Verkehrstechnik e. V. ITS Germany e. V.

Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center
Just fill out a simple form, and we'll tailor the setup to match the unique demands of your warehouse or distribution center

After public voting finalists faced the jury's judgment in an online pitch event. Each candidate gave a 4-minute online pitch to introduce themselves and their projects. On 11th of May the three winners were announced in Lübeck at the German-Baltic Digital Summit. Along with GoRamp there were EyeVi Technologies, ATOM Mobility.

We are honored to be awarded as one of the top mobility start-ups and believe that our Time Slot management solution will benefit many businesses. 

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